
The Meaning of Long White Cloud Qigong’s New Logo

Long White Cloud Qigong logo


Long White Cloud Qigong has a new logo which we are excited to show you. We have chosen this design because it is simple but visually striking, and because it incorporates symbolism within its design that reminds us of principles and values which are important to us at Long White Cloud Qigong. In this short article we will explain the symbolism within the design of the logo, so that you can understand all of the meaning that is embedded within it, and then whenever you see the logo in the future it can act as a little reminder of these principles and values, helping you to bring them into your qigong practice, and into your life.

The Cloud

The first and most obvious design element is that the overall shape of the logo graphic is a cloud, which is of course a direct reference to the name ‘Long White Cloud Qigong’. Within qigong practice we often use water as an analogy for the presence and flow of energy within our body and energy systems. The cloud is a particularly dynamic phase of the movement of water. It is a transition phase where the water is less substantial and moves freely bringing freshness and vitality wherever it passes.

Clouds moving freely bringing freshness and vitality

The cloud is also a symbol of mystery. Mountains are often shrouded in clouds, meaning that we can’t always see all of what lies ahead, but the glimpses of the mountain peaks appearing through the clouds give us inspiration and keep us on the right track. As we continue through the clouds and ascend the peaks, we gain a wider perspective of the world around us and our place within it. This is a great analogy for our qigong journey. As we start to explore the terrain of this vital life giving energy we often have only glimpses of what may be ahead, but little by little as we continue on our journey our perspective and understanding grows until eventually we are rewarded with vast vistas of understanding and appreciation for life and its flow.

Thinking of the cloud can help you to always focus on the essence of your qigong practice – the energy you work to gain skill with. Sometimes hard to grasp and contain due to its unsubstantial nature, but real, dynamic and vital.

The Enso

The Enso is a symbol from Zen calligraphy. It consists of an open circle drawn in one smooth brushstroke. The circle is a symbol of balance and perfection, but being hand drawn it will also be imperfect – not precisely symmetrical, and far from this being a fault, this is part of its essence which adds to its beauty and value. Each Enso will be individual and unique in its own special imperfect perfection. The open hand drawn circle is also symbol of life. It has a beginning and an end, and yet as it ends, it then continues in an ongoing cycle. The space within the circle symbolizes both emptiness and fullness, separated and distinct from what is outside the circle, yet connected to it and part of it.


In many ways the Enso can be thought of as a symbol of the Wuji (無極) state, our deepest essence and expression of our true character and energy. Each of us individual and unique, and perfect in our own way. Our qigong practice helps us to tap into this essence and experience and express it more fully and clearly.

Overlapping Ensos

The cloud in the logo is made up of several overlapping Ensos. This symbolism reminds us of the way each of us interact with and affect those around us to make a greater whole. Each of us bring our own unique character and energy and together we make the energy of our community. The energy of Long White Cloud qigong is made up of the individual essence and energy of every Long White Cloud Qigong teacher, every Long White Cloud Qigong student, and everyone who shares in the qigong practices we do together. We each make our own unique contribution to the vital energy of Long White Cloud Qigong.

Overlapping Ensos Long White Cloud Qigong Logo


The overall flavour of the logo is simple and easily approachable for people of all cultures. The symbolism of the cloud is easy to identify with no matter where in the world we live or where our cultural background comes from. Working with our energy should also be universal, and something that everyone can understand and benefit from regardless of culture. Long White Cloud Qigong strives to teach qigong principles and practice in a way that is simple and universally understandable so that everyone can benefit from them without needing a deep grounding in cultural context to even make a start. Culture does not stand in the way of understanding, appreciation, and benefit.

But within the logo the Asian origin and development of the principles and practice of qigong are acknowledged. The symbolism and style of the Enso imagery clearly references the Asian source and influence of the practices we teach, but in a way that is easily accessible and understood. There is an Asian flavour to the design, but it is not overpowering. It is a flavour that is easily recognized but still palatable and appealing to a wide range of cultural design preferences. From time to time you may also see the logo used in a format that gives even stronger recognition to the Chinese origin of qigong practices by incorporating the Chinese characters for the name Long White Cloud Qigong into the logo as well.


The primary colours you will see the logo presented in are white and blue. These again tie in with the water symbolism used throughout so much of qigong practice as a way to understand the flow of our vital energy. These colours connect to the ways that we see this water in nature, in clouds, rivers, lakes, and oceans.

You may also see the logo presented in other colours from time to time. This recognizes the vast diversity of the way energy manifests, and the different qualities and characteristics that it can contain. One of the main ways that this manifests in Qigong is in the relationship between colours and each of the five elements. The logo design is simple and flexible enough that these characteristics can be easily incorporated into it when it is used in different contexts.

Colours of Long White Cloud Qigong Logo


I hope that you have enjoyed reading about the symbolism and meaning within the new Long White Cloud Qigong logo, and that in a small way seeing this logo from time to time will remind you of these principles so that you can bring them more fully into your qigong practice and your life.

As a fun fact – the logo that we have been currently using was only ever intended to be a temporary logo. It is actually the logo that was designed for the Qi Life vlog channel, but while doing some much needed work updating the Long White Cloud Qigong website several years ago we needed a logo to put in as a place holder, and we didn’t have a separate logo for Long White Cloud Qigong at that time. So the Qi Life logo ended up doing double duty there for a few years. It is great to finally have a new purpose designed logo for Long White Cloud Qigong, which carries across some of the key themes from the temporary logo, and also develops them out to more fully represent the essence of Long White Cloud Qigong.


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2 Comments. Leave new

It’s a brilliant and simple but impactful logo, John. Good job!


Dear John,
How very profound! Wonderfully inclusive, insightful, infusion of the ancient and the every-day, the ever changing multi manifestations of life flow and energies and our connect to the Universe.., as always John, you hit it out of the planet.


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