The following is from Clayton Crosley – a Level Three Long White Cloud Qigong Instructor:
I wrote an article like this after I had been teaching for Qigong for one year, I decided it was time to revisit my experiences and share them with the Qigong community. So much has changed for me over the years that followed. When I first started after completing Level 1 Certification, I wasn’t even sure that I knew enough to teach for an entire hour. I felt competent in my abilities but unsure whether or not it would be well received. Qigong was not very well known when compared to Tai Chi. So, I made the decision to present my class as Tai Chi initially just to have the name recognition and entice people to come to the class.
I continued my volunteer service working with the Veterans in Savannah and Hinesville Georgia. There were many times that no one showed up to class except me. I just kept showing up no matter what. Slowly over time Veterans began to show up. They enjoyed the fact that IT WASN’T Tai Chi and having to learn the choreographed form. I was surprised and encouraged knowing that the participants really enjoyed coming to class for several reasons. There was a commonality of serving our country and a strong social aspect that permeated the class. This bond is a singular and distinct connection that they shared. As time progressed the Veterans continued to show up and participate. Some of them have kept at it and most have not. The ones who have continued to practice have seen miraculous results in their health. Parkinson’s, PTSD, mobility challenges, sleep disorders, depression, balance issues, chronic pain and general health concerns have all improved because of the Qigong practice. I stayed in my bubble of just practicing daily and teaching the Veterans for about four years.
My own experience has shifted dramatically. The more I continued a daily Qigong practice the deeper my connection grew. What I knew in the beginning doesn’t even compare to where my practice is today. I continued studying under John Munro’s tutelage, continued the Long White Cloud courses and my skill set broadened. I learned that there was a small but growing Qigong community in Savannah. I decided it was time to take what I had learned and share it with people outside of my Veterans groups. This was a little unsettling, going public with what I had been taught. I was fearful for no reason other than the unknown. I was immediately welcomed and encouraged to share the Long White Cloud Qigong. I gained more confidence and participated in more groups outside of the Veterans Administration. I needed that period of time to just have a laser like focus and really integrate the Qigong into my daily life, without that period I wouldn’t have the knowledge and skills to share with others.
The courses at Long White Cloud Qigong are structured in a way that one skill builds upon another creating a complete and comprehensive learning experience. Over the last five years I have completed all of the courses. I have also had the honor of having John Munro visit three times to really fine tune my practice and understanding of the practice. The more that I do the various routines the more benefit I reap. My energy level has increased quite a bit from where I started. My mind is quitter than before. My sleep has improved. My emotional health is more even, and I don’t get stuck in an emotion. I use the Qigong to keep all aspects of my life in balance.
One of the biggest changes is how I am able to help others in their practice too. I have helped guide and mentor others in my area through some of the courses so they can also contribute to the Qi Health of the community. I have been given opportunities to hold intensive workshops and weekend retreats. Some commercial success in teaching outside of my primary focus of volunteering and working with the Veterans has also materialized. The more I do and share Qigong the more possibilities open up. It is such a rewarding experience in being able to help others. I have forged deep relationships with people I wouldn’t have if it were not for Qigong.
The latest development in my practice has been completing the Introduction to Qigong Healing course. The course is incredible. It teaches you how to harness all you have learned in the previous courses and how to use it for therapeutic purposes. At first you use the techniques on yourself to develop the necessary skills and patterns. As you continue you begin to use the techniques in a clinical setting using your ability to sense the energy from the client and interacting with your own energy. I am able to balance the three centers, scan for blockages, open and correct flow issues and to evaluate the energy in the twelve organ meridians. When working with people it has astonished me as to how accurate the results are. Blockages and flow problems routinely match some sort of physical or emotional challenges the participants have been dealing with other times it is just my ability to find problems they were unaware of but can relate to. I never realized that this is where this path would lead, the practice of Qigong and strengthening my own energy leads to the ability to help others heal. It is a marvelous gift. I am continuing doing several treatments a week and have been granted permission to begin working on the Veterans in my groups. I am looking forward to adding to this practice by attending the live 200 hour Medical Qigong retreat in Thailand this year.
It goes without saying that none of this wouldn’t have been possible without John’s continued guidance and mentorship. The other big factor is to do it everyday no matter what. Carve out the time and space to really cultivate your practice. It is worth it and so are we. It’s all in the Gong.
Clayton Crosley
3 Comments. Leave new
Great job Clayton, you are a true inspiration. Keep up the good work!
Clayton you are an inspiration and great teacher. You have so much patience in teaching Qigong to the veterans here in Hinesville. I loved your healing Qigong treatment last week! You sure have helped so many of us through some rough energy times in our lives! Thank you & your article is great.
Wow so lovely to read this as someone who is just starting the journey and beginning to realise the impact practicing qigong can have. John is a brilliant teacher and we are lucky to have all the materials online and to learn in the comfort of a supportive group. Thanks for posting!