
2018 Qigong Year In Review

I have made a habit each year of writing up a review of all the accomplishments and major things that have happened during the year, and what we are looking forward to in the next. I think it is a good way to celebrate progress and update everyone one what has happened and is happening in our Long White Cloud Qigong community.

I will continue this tradition in 2018, starting first with achievements!


New Instructors

The first achievement to make note of is all the new instructors who have completed courses during 2018. We now have a total of one hundred and eleven Long White Cloud Qigong instructors spread all over the world, located in 26 different countries. And I know there are quite a few who are in the process of working on tests at the moment, so there will be even more by the end of the year or early in the new year. You can find instructors listed by country or region on the website here.

Congratulations to all of you who have started or continued your official qigong training in 2018!

If you are wanting to do more qigong study in 2019, the first course dates are available on the website here.

Feel the Qi – Retreat

Long White Cloud Qigong hosted our first ever residential retreat in Thailand this year. It was a great success bringing many benefits to all who attended.

with the elephants at our qigong retreat in thailand

You can see some highlights from the retreat, as well as comments from attendees on the website here.

New Qi Shirts

Its a small achievement I know, but I like being able to have cool shirts, so I am going to list it here anyway. We have some new shirt designs available in 2018.

qi shirts

You can find them on the website here.

qigong shirt

The previous more understated design is also still available, and you can find it here.

The list is a little short this year…

And that’s about it for achievements in 2018 actually. The list is rather short compared to previous years. While I had hopes of releasing new courses, publishing new books, and further developing Long White Cloud Qigong in a variety of other ways, it simply has not been possible.

As many of you know, operating Long White Cloud Qigong on a donation basis has not been easy. So over the last 18 months I have also had to dedicate a lot of my time to another business. This has not been easy, as it has meant that so many of the things I have wanted to do to share qigong and develop Long White Cloud have had to be put aside. Given the constraints on my time it has been quite the achievement just to keep the online courses running as well as a little in person training, let alone work on new projects. But it has been a financial necessity that I do this. If you are interested, you can read more about this on the Give Freely Receive Freely blog here.

The good news is that I am currently in the process of exiting the business. So, soon I will be able to devote all my time and energy to qigong once again!

What this means for 2019

This means that you can look forward to many exciting developments at Long White Cloud Qigong in the coming year.

Introduction to Qigong Healing

This will be first off the rank in 2019. While it has been in planning for quite some time, and there are quite a few people waiting to do this course, it simply hasn’t been possible to progress the preparation of the course material. But now with sufficient time available, there is no reason why this course will not be ready in the first half of 2019!

Website Updates

With technology, if you are not moving forwards, you are falling behind. The Long White Cloud Qigong website now needs quite a bit of work to refresh it and bring it up to date. Some of these little changes you may notice write away (like the switch to https, which means the site no longer says ‘not secure’ at the top of the browser, which has already been implemented). Other changes will be more substantial and take longer to implement. But the plan is to not only refresh the look of the website, but also do some significant work to improve the navigation and general usability of the site.


We are planning on running at least one, and possibly more qigong retreats in 2019. Details are still be organized, so we have nothing to announce just yet, but if you are interested you can complete a very short survey that will help us to decide things like themes and locations for the 2019 retreat or retreats.


I will have much greater availability for both local workshops and to travel to teach workshops internationally as well. So you can look forward to hearing about more live qigong learning opportunities soon!

Articles and Vlogs!

It has been quite awhile since I have had the time to write extra blog posts and articles, but this will be happening in 2019! In fact there is already a new article up on the website now. Articles can be a great way to explore a topic of interest in a little bit of detail that may fall outside the scope of any particular course. I hope to be able to write these frequently in 2019 to contribute to your ongoing qigong learning and enjoyment.

I will also be Vlogging regularly, as some things are just much better seen than read about. You can find the new Qi Life Vlog channel here.

But wait, theres more…

As you can see, there is quite a lot to look forward to straight away. All of the things listed so far you will see implemented or details of announced in the first six months of 2019, but there is much more that will come more slowly. A lot of these projects take a lot of time and energy to put together, but in the second half of 2019 you should see the start of:

Refreshing and Restructuring of Courses

Some of the Long White Cloud Qigong Courses have been available online for quite some time now. Over that time it has become easier to make better quality video recordings, and also I have learned more and more about how people respond as they learn this material. So the plan is to go through and re-record all of the material for each course, in many cases making the material significantly more in depth than what is currently available, and to also restructure how the material is presented to make it easier for students to take in. This is a time consuming process but you should see the start of it happening before the end of 2019.

New Courses

There is so much to explore and learn in the world of qigong, and there are many more courses I would like to offer to assist you on this journey. With so much other work to do in 2019, I am not sure, but in addition to the Introduction to Qigong Healing course, you may see the first of other new courses delving into different areas and new practices before the end of the year.

New Books

Many people tell me that they appreciate having a written resource alongside the online courses to support and supplement their qigong learning. Sometimes different things are learned more easily in different formats. So, the plan for some time has been to produce a book on each of the practices we teach within the Long White Cloud Qigong Online courses, and on other topics as well. The first of these new books should be available before the end of the year! There are also some translations of existing books in the works as well, so look out for those too!

Change to Payment Policy

There will be no changes to this immediately, but it does seem likely that there will need to be a change to the financial model that Long White Cloud Qigong has been operating under. To move Long White Cloud Qigong forwards and produce and deliver high quality qigong training in the way that I would like to requires that I be able to dedicate the needed time, energy, and other resources. To be able do this the financial side also needs to balance out. I am committed to continuing to make qigong training available to all who desire it and can benefit from it, so what ever changes do come, will be done with this in mind, in a way that continues to achieve this purpose.

Again, there will be no changes immediately, but it is quite likely some may be implemented before the end of 2019.

Happy Holidays

Whew! Well that was quite the update. Before I finish, I would like to take the opportunity to thank all of you who have generously supported Long White Cloud Qigong during 2018, and wish all of you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

I hope to hear more from all of you in 2019.

John Munro

Founder – Long White Cloud Qigong

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Dawn and Dusk – Magical Times for Qigong Practice

2 Comments. Leave new

How do I access directly your vlog from the website?
PS: Really nice website, clear and beautiful to look at. I like the sky image.


    Hmmm… good question. There are links to the vlog within some of the recent blog posts, but perhaps I should make a static link somewhere.


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