Wild Animal Play Qigong Origins
Wild Animal Play Qigong are dynamic qigong practices that draw inspiration from and copy the natural movements of animal in the wild. They were some of the earliest qigong practices developed, arising from the shamanic dances of the early Neolithic people of China. The common people, after working hard in the fields all day, would return to their homes and dance in front of their fires to warm themselves and release the tensions and stresses of the days. Many of their dances were based on what the observed in their environment around them, and they would use their dances to tell stories about their experiences and copy the movements of the animals they encountered within them.
Over time these dances became more sophisticated, and they noticed that dancing in different ways, copying the movements of different animals, stimulated the energy within them in different ways. Some movements helped to relieve different aches and pains, injuries and illnesses, other movements developed attributes of strength, flexibility, balance, agility, and co-ordination. The movements also helped them to process the experiences of their daily lives. To work through fear so that they could gain courage, to turn anger into passion, to release grief and gain clarity and perspective, and to turn worry into contentment, and express the joy of life.
Wild Animal Play Qigong Applications
Over centuries these early nature inspired dance movements were developed, codified, and refined, and applied to many areas of life. Most notably they became a valuable tool within the field of medicine for regaining and maintaining health. They were also applied extensively within the martial arts (kung fu) as ways of developing extraordinary physical prowess and vitality. Those on a spiritual path also benefited from the insights the practices gave them about themselves and their connection to the world around them. Right through to the modern day, we still find the influence of those early dances within our qigong practices, with many individual movements within different qigong sets still named after and based on the movements of different animals.
In Wild Animal Play Qigong we go a bit deeper into our exploration of the movement and the energy of different animals. We practice specific movements to help us to connect to the essence of the energy of each animal, and then we seek to embody and express that energy within our movement. We are no longer restricted to specific codified movements, but rather we let the essence of the animal’s energy guide us as we express the characteristics of the animal in our movement. We go back to the first principles of the practice, and simply play and dance as the animal.
Benefits of Wild Animal Play Qigong Practice
The nature of the practice is dynamic and active, and can be quite physically challenging, so it is a great type of practice for someone who wants to get a physical ‘workout’ while also focusing on the balance and harmony of their mind and energy. The practices can be a great way to reach new heights of peak performance for athletes and martial artists – as they were used historically. For those who are not so athletic yet, there are gentle ways to get started. Movements can be modified and done gently, focusing on the essence of the energy and letting this gently strengthen and support the tissues of our bodies as we gradually develop our physical capabilities.
The practices also offer a powerful way for us to release blocked or stuck energy and emotions that we may be holding onto. When we practice with a focus on embodying the character of the animals it gives us a new lens to experience the world through. The dynamic activation of our energy from the practice can then surge through and help us to break free of restricted ways of thinking, moving, acting, and feeling. Old stagnant energy is cleared and released, and fresh new vital energy can flow through to renew and revitalize us.
The nature of the practice, observing and copying the movements of animals, can also help us to develop and feel a closer connection to the world around us. To appreciate more deeply the wonders of life, and to feel more contended and peaceful about our place within it.
Learning Wild Animal Play Qigong
If you would like to explore the practice of Wild Animal Play Qigong, we go deep into these practices within the Inner Fire Qigong 200 hour qigong instructor certification program.
Within the program we focus on the play of the Tiger, Snake, Crane, Leopard, and Dragon. We start with basic warmup movements to help you to tune into the energy characteristics of each animal, and also to start to prepare you body so that you can move more freely expressing their qualities. We then gradually develop our play, learning to walk and move in different ways as each animal. We gradually develop our physical capability so that we can express the strength, fluidity, gracefulness, and power of the animals. We also look at how each of the movements we work with relates to the flow of energy through our meridians, and the cycles of the five elements. As our play develops, more and more it becomes a true play – simply expressing the energy of each animal within our movement, and we return to the first principles of the practice and spend time observing animals for ourselves to draw inspiration from them.
The training is very comprehensive, and is taught alongside other dynamic practices of the Warrior’s Path. Specifically, Inner Fire Breathwork to activate your internal energy and light the spark of your inner flame, Iron Shirt Qigong to develop your internal strength and resilience at a deep level, and Breathing Theory and Practice which you can use to deepen every aspect of your qigong practice and also apply to all the activities of your daily life.
Whether you are interested in the practices for your own benefit, or to teach others, it is a great way to go deep into them and get a really solid foundation of understanding. We also have instructors all over the world teaching these practices in classes and workshops. You might be able to find one of these instructors in your area by looking at the listings on our Instructor’s Page.
I hope you’ve enjoyed reading about some of the origins and benefits of Wild Animal Play Qigong practice. To go further you really need to experience the practices for yourself so that you can start to feel the energy of each of the animals and what each of them can do for you. So get in touch with one of our instructors, or we would love to have you join us on our next Inner Fire Qigong program!