
Waking the Qi – new book available now!

Book Waking the Qi

Exciting news! The new book Waking the Qi is now available!

Waking The Qi Qigong Book CoverYou can find the print edition on Amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/Waking-Qi-Introduction-John-Munro/dp/1541197291/

And the Kindle/electronic version here: https://www.amazon.com/Waking-Qi-Introduction-John-Munro-ebook/dp/B01N5PTPTD/

There is also video of some of the practices and additional information here: http://longwhitecloudqigong.com/online-courses/waking-the-qi/


These practices ‘WAKE UP’ the energy throughout the whole body and are particularly useful for anyone who has become weak and debilitated from prolonged illness, has a stiff or sore back and neck, weak legs, suffers from stress and anxiety, wants a stronger immune system, better digestion, improved circulation, easier breathing, or simply to have more energy.



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6 Comments. Leave new

Linda McCleary
17 January, 2017 1:35 am

Congrats on the publishing of a new book! I can’t wait to read it.


Just received it. Good work. I note you say this is the first in a new series of books and look forward to them.


I bought a Kindle version for my iPad. This is my first Kindle eBook and I find reading from the Kindle application is enjoyable. The book itself is easy to read and easy to understand. I am going to follow the instruction and do some practices.
Also, I want to thank you for all the excellent work to help people.


    Hey thats great Simei. They are a great set of practices that are sure to give you good benefits. It would be great if you can leave a review in the Kindle store as well. 🙂


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