
New Course Platform!

Computers linked in a network to give an idea of the new high tech platform for our online qigong courses

Exciting news!

We have begun the process of moving our online qigong courses onto a new course platform. Our first new mini course on the new platform is available now! This is an excellent chance to take a look at the new platform and see how much more convenient it will be to use.

The course we have put up is on Qigong for Immunity. It contains:

  • Three separate qigong routines to ACTIVATE, STRENGTHEN, and BUILD your immunity
  • Explanations of each exercise in the routines
  • An overview of immunity from both a Chinese medicine and a Western perspective
  • Five aspects of a healthy lifestyle that help to naturally increase immunity – and qigong tips and techniques to strengthen these in your life
  • A longer 35 minute qigong for immunity session for when you want to go deeper into your practice for a super immune building boost!

If you would like to check it out, you can find it here.

So far the feedback on both the course and the new platform has been really excellent, and we can see that this is going to greatly improve the qigong learning experience going forwards.

So, over the coming months we will be working on moving the existing Long White Cloud Qigong online qigong courses to the new platform. This will continue over an extended period of time, as we are not simply migrating the old course material across, we are also going through a process of restructuring the courses, and re-recording all of the course material so that it will be higher quality and easier to use.

During this time you will still be able to access the old course material here. Once the new version of a course is available on the new platform, the old course material will be removed from the website. If you have already completed a course, including the exams for the course, we will automatically set you up with access to the new material on the new platform.

There are some exciting features in the new platform that are really going to enhance the learning experience in some of the new courses. Not all of these have been used in the Qigong for Immunity course, but you will get to see them in some of the restructured courses when they become available.


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