
Gold Medal in China!

Medals to show the winning of gold medal at the competition in China in performing qigong practices

How is this for cool? I just received an email from a long time student of Long White Cloud Qigong, Satya Newday. He is living in China at the moment and learning kung fu there in the Taishan District of Tai’an City .

At the encouragement of his kung fu teacher there in China, he entered a competition and performed the Twelve Rivers for the organ meridians qigong set – Satya won gold in his division!

Congratulations Satya, that is awesome! We are proud of you!

Qigong competition success with a gold medal

By the way the Twelve Rivers exercises are the main focus of the Qigong Foundation Practices course which has an online instructor training program starting on 16th January. You can get the details on that here.



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3 Comments. Leave new

Kimberly DesChamp
3 January, 2017 1:57 pm




lisa moonflower gerardi
21 January, 2017 4:16 am

Just shared this on facebook, bravo!


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