
Year in Review – 2023 – Long White Cloud Qigong

2023 year to show the review of the past events and accomplishments

It’s that time of year again to look back at the events and accomplishments of the year and forward to plans for the year ahead. It is an annual tradition at this time for me to write a report on the goings on at Long White Cloud Qigong to celebrate achievements and keep you up to date with coming developments. Quite a lot has gone on in 2023 – and we look forward to many more positive developments sharing qigong widely in 2024.

Elemental Alchemy Qigong

The Elemental Alchemy Qigong program was made available for the first time in 2023. It has been a massive project to prepare this course, and it has been wonderful to see the many benefits and deep insights that course participants have experienced from working with these practices that focus on the qualities of Wuji (formless and primordial), Taiji (harmony between yin and yang), and Wuxing (the five elements or five phases). These practices develop the philosophical aspects of qigong practice and awareness, and bring a rich perspective deepening understanding from other qigong practices.

One group has completed the course earlier this year, and there is another group that is about halfway through at the moment. You can read and hear some of their comments about their experiences here. If you are interested in learning more about this program, we will be running it again starting in June 2024, and you can find all the details here.

Other Courses and Graduates

Of course we have also continued to run the Small Universe Qigong and Inner Fire Qigong programs during 2023, and we congratulate everyone who has completed these courses. There is now a community of almost 400 Long White Cloud Qigong graduates who have gained a solid understanding of these beautiful practices and principles, many of whom are now also sharing them with others in their community. You can find details of these programs, including the next dates they will run here.

Articles and Vlogs

Several interesting new articles were published on the Long White Cloud Qigong website during the year:

And we are partway through a 100 vlogs in 100 days challenge, so there are many many new vlogs on the Qi Life youtube channel on a variety of topics that relate to qigong. Here are just a few:

You can follow along with the rest of the vlogs here.

International Recognition

During the year I was also pleasantly surprised when attending a committee meeting for one of the professional associations I am involved with (the New Zealand Qigong & Traditional Chinese Medicine Association). I was presented with a certificate from the World Academic Society of Medical Qigong in Beijing recognising me as a Master of Medical Qigong. It wasn’t something I was expecting or had applied for – a complete surprise, but a significant honour to be recognised in this way by such a prestigious organisation.

Image of a certificate from the World Academic Society of Medical Qigong recognising John Munro as a Master of Medical Qigong


During 2023 Long White Cloud Qigong was also recognised as having the number 1 best online qigong certification programs by Mind is the Master website in their article here.

International Responsibilities

A number of Long White Cloud Qigong instructors have taken up key roles and responsibilities within the National Qigong Association in the United States in 2023 Clayton Crosley who was previously the Vice President is now serving as President and as a board member. Jennifer Eash is serving as Vice President and as the Chair of the Membership Committee. Judy Chancey is serving as Secretary. Kerry Ruiz is serving as a board member and a member of the Events Committee.

If you are based in the United States, we encourage you to get involved with this association. You will be in good company! You can learn more about the NQA here.

Melbourne Qigong Workshops

One final notable event from 2023 was several qigong short workshops in Melbourne Australia in December. This was the first time I have travelled outside of New Zealand to teach qigong since prior to the pandemic, and it was great to share qigong and make those personal connections. Several Melbourne based Long White Cloud Qigong Instructors were involved in organising and facilitating the workshops – So thankyou to Emma Adnams, Tania Baxter, and Susan Love for you help 😊. Several other Long White Cloud Qigong Alumni attended the workshops, and it was great to see you there!

You can see some photos from the workshops by clicking on the gallery below.


Looking Forward to 2024

As well as continuing to teach the online Small Universe, Inner Fire, and Elemental Alchemy Qigong programs, the main new development to look forward to in 2024, is that after the small step of teaching international qigong workshops in Melbourne this past month, I am looking forward to running more international workshops and retreats in 2024. We don’t have any dates or locations yet, but we are starting the planning process now. With that in mind, we invite you to take our survey about possible qigong retreats, so you can have your say and influence the plans for 2024. You can find the survey here.

Work has also begun on the much awaited Qigong Healing course. There is a lot of work yet to be done to get this ready, so we don’t know when exactly this will become available – but we are hoping that will be at some point during 2024.

Whatever 2024 brings, we look forward to continuing to sharing and supporting you in your qigong journey.


Yours in qi!

John Munro

Long White Cloud Qigong

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