Here you will find a selection of qigong practice videos suitable for beginners, that you can follow along with and start to get the benefits of qigong in your life. These are a great place to start to become familiar with some of the different qigong practices that Long White Cloud Qigong teaches. Simply following along with the videos can be a great way to start to boost your health and vitality!
If you want to go deeper and really understand the details of these practices, how they work, and how you can get the most out of them – we also have comprehensive courses which go in depth into the theory and practice of each exercise. This can lead to a greater understanding of yourself, your energy flow, and your connection with the world around you. You can find our in depth qigong courses here. We are currently in the process of restructuring our qigong courses with new and improved learning materials, so not all courses are currently available, but check back regularly, or even better sign up to our email newsletter to hear whenever a new course is published.
Twelve Rivers
The Twelve Rivers qigong practice is a series of moving qigong exercises for each of the twelve organ meridians in the body. These exercises massage each of the internal organs, stimulate the related meridians to unblock the energy flow, and as a result of this balance posture, emotions, and organ functions. The exercises are a great way to harmonize with the rhythms of nature around you, and give yourself an energy boost.
Between Heaven and Earth
The Between Heaven and Earth qigong practice works with the eight extraordinary meridians. These meridians are like ocean currents moving through the body circulating the energy. When these meridians flow freely, they make our energy system very stable and resilient. They also make it easier for us to connect to the energies of Heaven and Earth, to let them flow through us to refresh and renew our energy reserves..
Waking the Qi
Waking the Qi is a series of qigong practices to ‘wake up’ your vital energy. This is an excellent way to begin your day so that your energy is bright and active for your activities. It is also an excellent transition from sitting meditation to more active practices. When our energy has been activated we can feel it more easily and access it more readily in whatever we do, including other energy arts.
Wuji Qigong
This video is of a moving qigong practice that helps us to enter the state of Wuji – the formless primordial state. You can think of this as a resetting of your energy, clearing away any stuck patterns so that new fresh energy can flow through more freely and clearly.
Taiji Qigong
This video is of a moving practice that works with the principles of Taiji (Yin and Yang) to develop our polarity and circulate our energy more strongly. Note that this is a type of Taiji practice for developing and harmonizing our energy, not the martial art Taiji Quan.
Wuxing Qigong
This video is of a moving practice for activating each of the five elements within our body and energy system. There are three movements for each of the five elements, corresponding to different states of each element, drawing out different qualities within each of the elements.
Five Waves
Five Waves is a very gentle practice for harmonizing the five elements within you. The gentle rhythmic movements are very calming and leave you feeling relaxed yet energized.
Qigong for Immunity
Activating the Wei Qi
Strengthening the Wei Qi
Building the Wei Qi
The videos above are from the Qigong for Immunity course. Each of these short videos can be practiced alone, and focus on different aspects of qigong for immunity. Within the course there are explanations of each of the movements, which are combined into a longer qigong practice session for when you want to go deeper into your practice for a super immune system boost. There is also a discussion of the correlation between the Western and Chinese view of the immune system, and a look at five different aspects of a healthy lifestyle that naturally build our immunity, and how qigong can help us to get the most out of these. You can find the full course here.
Wild Animal Play
The very earliest qigong practices were based on copying the movements of animals to develop health, strength, and resilience. Over time these practices became more refined and the nature of the energy flow stimulated by each movement from the different animals was understood. The Long White Cloud Qigong Wild Animal Play works with movements of the Tiger, Snake, Crane, Leopard, and Dragon. The video above is a warmup for the Crane, which particularly focuses on the Metal element – the Lungs and the Large intestine.
Lift Up, Pour Down
This is a super simple practice which flows energy through your whole body. This video is part of our free Introduction to Qigong Theory and Practice course, which gives an overview of what qigong is, what qi is, the history, origins, and benefits of qigong, and looks at some of the fundamental principles of how qigong works using the mind, body, and breath together to direct our energy. This theory is accompanied with practical exercises so that you can gain your own experiential understanding of how these principles work together in your qigong practice. You can check the free course out here.