
About Long White Cloud Qigong

Long White Cloud Qigong is a young and vital organization.  We draw on practices which are thousands of years old, but are always sure to make them relevant and accessible for you as a modern student.

While we are headquartered in beautiful clean green New Zealand, ‘the land of the long white cloud’, we aim to provide the very best training in qigong to students all around the world.  We do this by making full use of modern technology including e-books, video recordings and ‘in person’ tuition through video calling via skype.  We also offer live workshops and classes for those who are able to attend.

The Symbol of the Long White Cloud

In ancient times, mariners knew that when they could see a long formation of white clouds on the horizon, that land was near. As such, the long white cloud was a symbol of hope, its appearance let you know that you were coming close to your intended destination, that your journey had been worthwhile and would yield the results and benefits that you sought. The destination itself might not yet be in view, but the appearance of the clouds in the distance gave you confidence that you were on the right track and success was within reach.

It was in this context that the early discoverers of New Zealand, the Maori people, called New Zealand – Aotearoa, or the land of the Long White Cloud. A place of discovery, potential, and promise. So the name Long White Cloud Qigong gives reference to this school’s founding in the land of New Zealand, but also to the broader symbolism of the cloud.

Mountains Shrouded in Clouds to illustrate the meaning of the symbolism of the cloud in the name Long White Cloud QigongThe cloud is a symbol of vital energy, bringing life giving moisture to the land. It is also a symbol of mystery. Often the peaks of mountains are shrouded in clouds, and we must venture forth through those clouds to discover the vista that awaits above. In our qigong practice we learn to tune into and work with our inner energy. Even though initially we may not be able to fully see our final destination, the subtle sensations of energy that we experience, somewhat intangible like the clouds, give us hope and let us know that we are on the right path. As we continue with perseverance, we find our way through the shrouds of mystery and a whole new perception of the world around us and our place within it unfolds.

As such, while the name Long White Cloud Qigong has specific reference to New Zealand, it also contains symbolism relevant to people all over the world, and every practitioner of qigong.

The symbol of the cloud is also incorporated into the new Long White Cloud Qigong logo, which you can read about here.
